Offshore Trouble Leads to Onshore Success

Keith Kohl

Written By Keith Kohl

Posted September 18, 2010

Welcome to the Energy and Capital Weekend Edition — our insights from the week in investing and links to our most-read Energy and Capital and sister publication articles.

Today, BP can breathe a sigh of relief — for now, at least.

After twenty-one grueling weeks, BP will finally complete the sealing of their Macondo well.

Due to weather complications, the company was forced to stop its relief well efforts for weeks. Drilling was resumed on Monday.

By the end of the week, BP had the green light to inject the last bit of cement into the ruptured well. According to the company, the relief well did not have any complications intercepting the Macondo well.

It’s the permanent plug on the well that they’ve been waiting for, coming just days after BP released its report on the accident. Of course, there was no surprise there, either; BP was quick to pass blame between themselves, Haliburton, and Transocean.

Unfortunately, the fate of the offshore drilling industry is still up in the air.

A government report submitted to a Senate committee stated that the deep water drilling ban had a minimal impact on jobs.

According to the report, only 2,000 of the 9,700 offshore rig workers were affected by the drilling moratorium. After seeing that data, do you think the government is going to think twice about giving the offshore industry more trouble?

Over the next few months, we’re going to continue to see some of the biggest offshore drillers pull their rigs out of the Gulf of Mexico.

Two days ago, Transocean pulled another one of their rigs out of the area — the second this month.

This time, the rig is headed to Egypt to fulfill a new five-month contract with Norway’s Statoil.

It’s a good thing for us that there are still huge opportunities out there…

Oil rush sets new records

If you haven’t heard of the Bakken oil rush by now, I suggest writing it down for future reference. It’s single-handedly responsible for North Dakota’s unprecedented success.

It’s taken the state to another level.

The latest production record was set in July, when the state pumped 9.9 million barrels of oil. If you’re keeping track, that’s approximately 303,000 barrels per day.

The oil boom isn’t going away, either.

There are currently 146 active drilling rigs operating in the state. And according to state officials, those rigs are drilling with a 99% success rate.

Here’s where it gets tricky for you…

As you know (or should know, at least), the Bakken shale is finally attracting mainstream attention. In other words, we’re going to see a massive buying rush as news of its success spreads.

But what most people don’t realize is that even the Bakken has its drawbacks. In fact the next obstacle for these shale drillers could bring the walls crashing down around us.

Luckily, I’ve just come across a company that’s solving this upcoming crisis as we speak.

And once you read my upcoming report, you’ll finally realize what the Bakken drillers have been missing all along…

I’m putting the finishing touches on it right now. Stay tuned.

Enjoy your weekend,

keith kohl

Keith Kohl
Editor, Energy and Capital

P.S. You can catch up with the week’s top articles from Energy and Capital and our sister publication, Wealth Daily, below.

The Ticking Time Bomb: Revealing Their Secret Nuclear Negotiations
Every time this nuclear story hits headlines, the mainstream media always misses the boat. That’s why we’re revealing the secret behind these closed-door nuclear talks — and when you see this latest video report, you’ll see why everyone involved is keeping the story hushed. It’s time for you to take a step ahead of other investors.

Gold, India, Silver, Tech and Mongolia:  Here are Today’s Bull Markets
Editor Christian DeHaemer describes for readers the five bull markets where they should put their money.

The Fate of Deepwater Drilling: How One Leak Sparked an Oil Boom
The BP leak is finally plugged, and everything is back to normal… or is it? The sad truth is that most investors still can’t connect the dots with the recession-immune oil boom happening right now — one that is changing the scope of the oil industry forever. I’ve laid out all the details for you in this free bonus report.

The Best Way to Profit from Oil Sands Investing: The Next Generation of Oil Sands
Editor Keith Kohl shows readers why the next generation of oil sands production will be more profitable than ever.

China’s Stronghold on Rare Earth Metals: What’s Got the Pentagon So Worried?
Editor Ian Cooper explores the global demand and current short supply of much needed rare earth metals.

Energy Storage: When Peak Oil Strikes, All Energy Wins
Editor Nick Hodge looks at the need for energy storage through the lens of the last days of oil.

Transocean and Peak Oil: Why These Oil Giants are Screaming Buys
Editor Ian Cooper responds to peak oil critics, and offers two oil giant stocks that are poised for explosive upside.

The Outlook for Nuclear Stocks: 3 Ways to Play the Atom-Splitting Renaissance
Analyst Adam Sharp looks at three ways to invest in nuclear power: uranium miners, utilities, and a unique startup.

I Was Wrong, There Is A U.S. Energy Policy: Massive Oil Off the Coast of Guyana Could be Your Next 1,000% Trade
Editor Christian DeHaemer discovers another unexplored oil hot spot.

Palladium Outlook for 2011: Demand Up, Supply Down: Are Russian Stockpiles of Palladium Depleted?
Editor Luke Burgess discusses several reasons the price of palladium appears to be headed much higher, and offers one idea on how to yield the maximum profit from palladium’s bull market.

The Struggling Wind Energy Market: Profit with These Three Stocks
Editor Jeff Siegel reveals three new ways to profit from the wind energy market.

One of the Top 10 Investment Trends of Our Lifetime: The Decade’s Most Profitable Investment Report, Just Released
Publisher Brian Hicks tells readers about what he believes will become this decade’s most profitable investment report.

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